Biostat 823 - Containerization

Hilmar Lapp

Duke University, Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics


Challenges to computational reproducibility

Reproducibility of computational research faces four major challenges1:

  • Dependency Hell
  • Imprecise documentation
  • Code rot
  • High barriers to adoption for solutions prior to containerization

“Dependency Hell”

  • Software dependencies have themselves dependencies recursively
  • Dependencies can be be often difficult to install (require compilation, manual “tweaks” due local OS or other differences, etc)
  • Required version may conflict with that required by other software, or may not work with the local OS version, making it impossible to install.
    • The likelihood of conflicts is particularly high on shared computing environments.

Imprecise documentation

  • Research grade software often lacks full documentation on how to install and run it
    • The resulting barriers can be time consuming,
    • or even unsurmountable, especially for those unfamiliar with the domain or software.

Code rot

  • Dependencies often continue to be developed further
    • Resulting changes in behavior or input/output formats can be breaking changes due to violating expectations.
    • Behavior and other breaking changes can be the result of bug fixes.
    • This can happen anywhere in the dependency chain.
  • Dependencies can also become unmaintained or end-of-life
    • Can result in removal from package repositories.
    • Python 2.x example

Virtual Machine as solution?

  • Pros: Creates a full computational environment with everything pre-installed, addressing Dependency Hell, Imprecise Documentation, and Code Rot issues.
  • Cons:
    • “Heavyweight”: huge in size, only few can run on a host
    • Therefore, very limited for reuse through composing
    • Effectively “black boxes” in the absence of fully automated build definition
    • Technologies for automated and declarative build definitions very difficult to adopt for domain scientists

Containers are lightweight

Virtual Machines vs Containers (from Docker vs Virtual Machines (VMs) : A Practical Guide to Docker Containers and VMs)

A brief history

Properties of containerized processes

  • On Linux, containers use the host’s kernel and CPU
    • No hardware emulator, hypervisor, or guest OS
    • Container engine uses Linux’ native virtualization capabilities
    • Processes within container are visible by host kernel
    • Containers are portable within limits determined by kernel version dependencies
    • Hosts can run 100s of containers  

  • On Windows and macOS, requires a Linux VM
    • Part of the Docker installation (uses WSL on Windows; LinuxKit / Hypervisor Framework on macOS)
    • Unsupported by Singularity

Container terminology

Singularity: Containers for HPC

  • HPC systems are shared computing environments
    • Docker daemon runs as root, processes within container can run as root
    • Not permissible on a shared computing environment
  • Singularity does not require elevated privileges
    • Launcher run by user, not a daemon run by root
    • Processes inside container run as same user as outside
  • Singularity containers can be built (bootstrapped) from (many) Docker container images
    • Most scientific software containers are compatible

Singularity architecture vs Docker

Containerization re: Reproducibility

  • Dependency Hell:
    • all dependencies are pre-built into the container image
  • Imprecise Documentation:
    • Container definition includes full installation commands
    • Simple text file, lends itself to version control
  • Code rot
    • Installation can dictate exact versions
    • Image spec. can include version tag (“latest” is default)
    • Can archive container image for perpetuity

Low barrier to adoption

Container definition files are simple text files:

FROM ubuntu:20.04

# formerly LABEL maintainer=""
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors=""

# picard requires java
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
  wget \

# Installs fastqc from compiled java distribution into /opt/FastQC

WORKDIR /opt/picard

CMD ["java", "-jar", "picard.jar"]

Low barrier to reuse

  • As simple text files, container definition files can be easily shared, collaboratively developed, and maintained using version control.
  • For sharing ready-to-use container images, a number of registries exist, including
    • Docker Hub
    • GitHub Packages Repository (includes container images)
    • Gitlab container registry ( for Duke OIT’s Gitlab installation)

(Note) Container images are layered

(Note) Multi-stage builds

  • Build layers are read-only
    • Deleting files from a preceding layer will not delete them from the image
  • Multi-stage builds1
    • Multiple container builds in one container definition
    • Use to retain build products but not the software environment needed to create them (which can be large)

(Note) Build docker, run singularity

  • Building Docker images typically more flexible
    • No Singularity Desktop version for Windows or macOS (requires Linux VM instead)
    • singularity build normally requires sudo privileges
  • Singularity can use (most) Docker images directly
    • Can download and run in one step:

      $ singularity run docker://<docker_url> <cmd>
  • Use --fakeroot for singularity build in a non-privileged environment

(Note) Mounting data into the container

Requires bind mount at container runtime (docker run):

  • --volume <local-path>:<container-path> (Docker)
  • --bind <local-path>:<container-path> (Singularity)
  • Can be used for directories and files
  • Using --mount generates an error if target directory (or file) doesn’t exist

Resources (I)

Resources (II)